Best Smoked Top Sirloin Ever!
A smoky tender top sirloin can stand up to a filet mignon any day! The key is smoking the prime sirloin in Primo's Grill Rotisserie 3-Sided Basket over 275°F embers. Seasoned with Primo Garlic Seasoning, Ancho, Cumin, and Coriander the juicy steak is finished on Primo's Cast Iron Griddle for that char we all love to eat.

Thank you Primo Ceramic Grills for sponsoring this post! I love the Primo Rotisserie 3-sided basket. It is so versatile!
Click here to head to Primo’s website to learn more about the Rotisserie 3-sided basket.

I just experienced one of my most rewarding smoking experiences on my Primo Oval XL 400! In short, it’s all due to the Primo Rotisserie 3-sided basket and prime top sirloin!
Hickory Smoked Rotisserie Prime Top Sirloin with its filet mignon melt-in-your-mouth texture will make you a believer in choosing prime top sirloin!
You see, I had to be convinced that the cut of steak labeled top sirloin could actually be tender and flavorful. Throughout the years I have steered away from top sirloin, after all haven't you eaten dry overcooked top sirloin? It was a trip to Texas, a few months ago when I dined on live fire prime top sirloin that I was persuaded.. The qualities I look for in a hunk of meat were found in that steak, tenderness, distinct depth of flavor, and a good chew.

YES! At least through my experience smoking, grilling, and sautéing meat a higher grade will give you a better mouthfeel and palate satisfaction. Now don’t misunderstand me! I am not a beef snob that only eats the finest grade. I am an everyday grandma who has to feed a tribe and still needs $$$ in my pocket for ice cream and cookies!
But here is the good news! The Primo Ceramic Grill, with its easy to regulate vent system, can create an ideal temperature for any grade of meat. However, each grade of meat has the capability to out shine the grade of meat below it. I say start out one step on my recipe and purchase PRIME.

Top Sirloin is in the sirloin family. The Top Sirloin is known as the most tender. The bottom sirloin is less tender and larger, commonly labeled just “sirloin steak”. The sirloin cut is near the round section. Or in other words, the sirloin is in front of but not on the hind leg. And where that cut comes from will predict the tenderness. So when picking up a steak package look for Top Sirloin not bottom sirloin, sirloin or sirloin steak.
Always choose PRIME TOP SIRLOIN NOT CHOICE - when choosing top sirloin!
Prime Top Sirloin Steak has strict specifications and is plentiful in high marbling. Only 5-6% of all beef can be labeled USDA Prime! The Prime Top Sirloin that I smoked in the Primo 3-sided Rotisserie Basket was definitely one of the best steaks I’ve had in many years. I can’t believe I just said that…cuz a year ago I always avoided Top Sirloin!

Basically, the USDA grades beef in two categories. #1 The beef is judged for tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. (You know, everything we rave about in a tasty steak.) #2. The beef is judged for the usable lean meat, in other words, how much yield!

Prime beef is produced from well-fed beef cattle that are young. Visually, there is abundant marbling. As you probably know, marbling is that gorgeous fat interspersed within the red meat fibers. It gives top sirloin added flavor and tenderness. That marbling does up the price but I think it is worth it! On another note, at some grocery stores you can only locate Prime beef at the butcher counter not in the meat refrigerated aisle.
Choice beef is high quality, but has less marbling than Prime. Choice can be tender if properly cooked. My local grocery stores provide a huge selection of Choice and only a handful of Prime. Some Choice cuts of beef need to be smoked lower and slower or braise in liquid. That being said, I buy plenty of choice meat, especially when the budget is tight or when it is on clearance.
Select beef is very uniform in quality and leaner than higher grades. It can be tender but does not have enough marbling to make it deliciously juicy and flavorful like Prime and Choice. Many cuts of Select should be marinated before cooking for maximum tenderness and flavor. Grilling Grandma says, “pay a few more dollars and purchase Choice over Select, and for those memorable dinners go ahead and buy Prime”.

Primo Grills’ 3-sided basket has 3 separate compartments. The height within an individual basket is 2-inches, and the length is 13.5 inches. The width in the basket is 4.5 inches. So with this in mind, I cut corn-on-the-cob in 4-inch long pieces and placed 4 or 5 cobs side by side. It seemed brilliant until the cage lid would not close. Note to self: When you use the 3-sided basket make sure food is not over 2-inches high. The measurement of Primo’s Rotisserie 3-sided basket makes smoking steaks, meatballs, chicken thighs, fish steaks, whole trout, mushrooms, peppers, carrots, parsnips, and turnip slices simply dreamy!

Choose a steak that is just under 2-inches thick and no more than 13-inches long and 4-inch in width. I’d suggest Prime or Choice rib eyes, strip steaks, tenderloins or Prime Top Sirloin. Cut to size, if needed. Season the steaks an hour before smoking.
Preheat your Primo Ceramic Grill for 250°F to 275°F degrees. Add 2 or 3 smoking chunks.
Set up your Primo Ceramic Grill with the Primo Rotisserie Kit mounted.
Arrange the steaks into the Primo 3-sided basket and tighten screws on the basket to secure on the Primo Rotisserie Rod.
Insert the rod with the secure 3-sided basket into the rotisserie motor.
Close the grill lid.
Smoke the steaks for 20 minutes.
Transfer the steaks from the grill at these desired doneness, not internal serving temperature:: 115 degrees for rare, 125 for medium rare, 135 for medium. I smoked the steak in the photos until the internal temp was 120°F.
Place Primo's Cast Iron Griddle directly on the coals. Open the vents fully to increase heat.
When the searing surface reaches at least 450°F, brush the steaks with avocado oil and sear on both sides, for about 1-2 minutes.
Here are my suggested internal temperatures for serving Rotisserie Prime Top Sirloin: 125 degrees for rare, 135 degrees for medium rare, 145 degrees for medium. I just can’t tell someone to grill top sirloin past that temperature! And of course, rest the meat about 10 minutes before serving. Add additional salt if desired.

It’s all about constant steady rotating heat! Rotisserie cooking is basically indirect cooking. Whatever is in the basket is going to get cooked evenly throughout. Just don’t over crowd the basket and you will experience an absolutely delish meal.
Moreover, one of the selling points of the Primo Ceramic Grill is the ability to smoke low, then remove the par-cooked dish, and increase the heat for what I call a fire finish. It’s all about an efficient two-way vent system! In addition, the thick ceramic walls act as an insulator to retain heat for hours.

I am still savoring not only the flavor of Prime Top Sirloin but the joy in smoking the steaks in Primo’s 3-sided basket. Fantastic grill adventure! I can’t really express just how tender and flavorful the Primo Top Sirloins were but I sure as heck can encourage you to try my recipe…because this has been my favorite “smoke” in a long time!

Best Ever Hickory Smoked Rotisserie Prime Top Sirloin
The Ingredients:
4 (6 oz)) PRIME Top Sirloin steaks
1/4 cup Primo Garlic & Pepper Seasoning and Rub
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon ground ancho pepper or chili powder
1 large onion, peeled, cut in 1-inch slices
8 oz whole mushrooms
1 poblano pepper, cut into halves with seeds removed
4 or 5 yellow or mini peppers, leave whole, optional
2-3 scallions, whole
1 whole garlic clove
You Will Need:
2 hickory smoking chunks
Serves: 4
Prep Time 10 min
Grill Time 30 minutes
Seasons All
Category Beef
Preparation Instructions
Prime Top Sirloin does not need to be trimmed. However, it is advised to remove steaks from the refrigerator 45-60 minutes before smoking, and season.
Mix Primo Garlic & Pepper seasoning, cumin, coriander, and ancho powder. Generously season both sides of steak, cover, and set aside.
Prepare and cut vegetables as indicated in the ingredient list.
Cooking Instructions
Fill the grill half-way with Primo lump charcoal.
Preheat Primo to 275°F-300°F degrees.
Add 2 Hickory smoking chunks or smoking chunks of choice.
Arrange 6 ounce top sirloins in 1 basket. Evenly arrange the other vegetables in the remaining baskets. Tighten the screws at each end of the basket to secure on to the rotisserie rod.
Once there is blue smoke versus gray smoke drifting from the grill mount the rotisserie frame, and motor. Insert the motor's plug into the electrical socket but do not turn it on yet. Note: There will be some smoke that escapes when the Primo Rotisserie frame is in position. No worries, simply adjust the vents to hold the desired temperature which means to decrease vent holes.
Insert the rotisserie rod with the 3-sided basket into the Primo Rotisserie motor, and turn the motor on.
Smoke the steaks, in the Primo Rotisserie 3-sided basket, rotating over 275°F direct heat for 20 minutes.
Transfer the 3-sided basket of steaks from the grill when the internal temperature reaches 115 degrees for rare, 125 for medium rare, 135 for medium. I smoked my steaks until they reached 120°F. Note: this is not the serving temp, just the temp for partially cooked steaks.
Place a cast iron skillet, iron pizza, or griddle directly on the coals. Open the vents for high heat. Wait until cast iron is very hot.
When the searing surface reaches at least 450°F, brush the steaks and onions with avocado oil and sear on both sides, for about 1-2 minutes. My suggested serving temperatures for Rotisserie Prime Top Sirloin: 125 degrees for rare, 135 degrees for medium rare, 145 degrees for medium.
Rest the meat about 10 minutes before serving. Add additional salt if desired. Serve with the mushrooms, peppers, and onions or whatever basket veggies you have!